New MRF at Moreton Valence

We have invested in a new Materials Recycling Facility at our main Waste Management Facility at Moreton Valence in order to continue to improve our Construction􏰁 and Demolition waste recovery and to remain competitive in the current market. Our aim is for the new Kiverco C&D sta􏰁c plant to future proof the business

With our exis􏰁ng waste sort line becoming unreliable and with technology always moving forward it was decided to replace the sort line that had been in place since 2006. Due to the speed of the growth of the waste department, u􏰁lising space is key and the old plant took up a huge footprint where new processing lines were smaller and more compact. A􏰂fter extensive research over the past few years for a new waste processing plant we formed a great rela􏰁onship with Marcus McAlinden from Kiverco who assisted us in order to fully understand what we wanted from a new plant. Since April 2021, when the decision was first made to replace the plant, we haven’t looked back. We were busy market􏰁ing the old plant for sale then quickly started the decommissioning in June 2021.

Ian Watson commented “The plant has been up and running since the beginning of October and we are excited to see the positive impact that it will have on the opera􏰁ons of our Waste business. I would just like to thank everyone that helped or assisted with the project. With how busy the workloads have been, working in reduced areas to accommodate the new build and temporary hire equipment wasn’t ideal and at 􏰁mes did cause issues.

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